I am probably behind all my other running moms, but I'm just reading Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving - and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity.
If you are a running mom (or a mom who wants to run...or a runner who eventually wants to be a mom...ok, just a female runner!), you really should read this book. Sarah and Dimity provide lots of great tips and the witty quips make me laugh out loud (often). They also have opposite approaches to running so between the two, we can probably all relate to their advice and experiences. There are 26 (nice!) chapters that cover everything from gadgets to cross training to injuries. I am learning a lot of new strategies and just purchased my first pair of "running socks" (did not realize what a difference this can make!). I know, I know. Anything to justify more gear, right?
Anyone else read it? Other good reads for runners?
I haven't read it, but I do love my running socks!